Wednesday, August 14, 2013

New Blog Design

Notice anything? The blog here got a little update. I am quite delighted with it. Of course I kept my signature MYNT design with a minimalist layout, my favorite!

I happened upon a new graphic designer on Etsy, PixelHaze Designs, and fell in love. I continuously looked at the Emily Theme, swooning over it upon each glance. Andreea creates beautiful designs! I contacted her immediately about her services, and she was just the sweetest thing! She was in constant contact with me, which sort of gave her that cherry on top, in my book. I could tell right away I wasn't just another inquirer, but a customer she desired to have.

Thank you, Andreea. I love my little sprucing up!

And a big thanks goes to my honey for helping me update my profile image. My old photo was nearly a year old, and in case you couldn't tell, my hair is much longer now. He's not too bad of a photographer. Logan was adamant I needed to use a picture of me smiling. What do you think of the one he chose?

Stay tuned. I'll share the blooper reel of my photo shoot with Logan with you tomorrow. 

Ta-ta for now, lovelies!
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