Friday, March 14, 2014

How to Catch a Leprechaun | DIY Craft Ideas

Monday is St. Patrick's Day and my kids are both excited and frightened. Excited because they get to wear green to school Monday, excited about the prospect of their being gold and rainbows, but nervous of the possibility of a sneaky little leprechaun playing his tricks in their classrooms. So I rounded up the many ways we could catch one of these tricksy little green guys,
 Lure him in with rainbows with The Classroom Creative's trap.
Recipe by Photo gives a step-by-step photo tutorial to trap him in a little cake cage. Gold, the perfect trap cover and irresistible to Leprechaun's.
 Make him work for that gold with Snoodle Doodle, then BAM, straight into a too-tall trap!
 Even Leprechaun's get tired from all those pranks. Modern Parents Messy Kids tricked him with a little vacant hotel.
Call me the mean mom, but I'm willing to take A Differentiated Kindergarten's idea and let my kids think a leprechaun snuck into our house and played his hijinx on us. And stopped to use the bathroom along the way. Too bad he is too rude to even bother flushing.

Have a fun St. Patty's Weekend,

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