Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Uses for Old Sweaters

Winter is approaching, bells are beginning to sound. Soon snow will be falling soft. While I am not a fan of cold weather, I love feelings of winter. Cozy sweaters paired with your favorite boots. Curling up under a warm blanket with a cup of hot cocoa and a good book. Prepping for the holidays. Yes, I have already begun. I have started my list of handmade gifts. A hint: I made my kids take a bag outside yesterday and fill it with dirt for Snookums present.

Since I do love a cozy sweater, I have been perusing Goodwill for them. My endeavors have failed time and again, as they are almost never in my size and the ones that are always seem to be picked pretty bad. This is where my sweet little brain got to thinking, something ought to be done with all those pretty sweaters I keep seeing. 

Skip ... skip ... skip, off to Pinterest we go ... I scoured their pages for some of the neatest things to do with those old sweaters. As always, Pinterest did not disappoint. There was so much inspiration!
This is my idea of a cozy blanket! Make a patchwork quilt with old sweaters.
For those bitter chilling days, turn a sweater into a scarf.
I almost always wear socks in the winter time, so these would be perfect for me to make. Turning a sweater into a pair of slippers would also be a great money saver since I do tend wear them out. What can I say, I hate cold feet.
What a perfect way to reuse your kiddos old sweaters they've outgrown from last year. Make them some new slippers and present them under the tree this holiday.
Should've put a bow on it! A great idea if your sweater seems come unraveled: add an embellishment.
I recently accidentally dried my favorite wool sweater. Imagine my poor little heart sinking upon finding it, warm and cozy and ... toddler size as I extracted it from the drier. I was devastated. Thank you, Lana Red Studio, for lifting my spirits with your adorable sweater bag!
Okay, I have to admit. I kind of threw a hissy fit when I saw this. I mean, how ingenious is that? A section of knit placed inside a pump turns it into a bootie. You're welcome!
Thrifty and Chic really did me in with a couple of her ideas. I love the idea of adding temporary winter textures to the home. Designing your home is like designing a brand, you want it to have a certain feel. And I love the feeling of a cozy home when it's chilly out.

Bring your spring cardi to winter by adding some knit to the end. Knitted bliss has a tutorial on how she knitted them together.
Snookums was recently given a nice sweater, but he doesn't wear sweaters. He's hot natured. Therefore, the logical conclusion would be for me to confiscate it and turn it into a sweater for me. Goodwill doesn't need it anyway, right?
Add some pom poms to your life. Seriously. Poofy things are life changing. I swear! There's a reason cheerleaders use them: they're just fun!
This makes me really tempted to splurge on a pair of galoshes. Embellish them with some knitting. 
Nothing wins me over like beautiful embroidery. And floral prints. I am unfamiliar with felting in this manner. I must learn!
This is on my to-do list. Hands down. It's on! I'm thinking of giving some of these sweater rugs as gifts this year too.
Such an original scarf.

Another great use for your kiddos old sweaters. Turn it into a softie for Christmas. 
Update your daughters winter wardrobe with your old sweater. 
Or give yourself a new chic skirt to pair with those tights

Happy inspiration!
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