Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Weekend Happenings: Linville Falls, NC

This right here is why I have come to love living in NC the past year. Logan had some family come in from out of town, and they asked to see some waterfalls. I had not been to Linville Falls yet, so we all loaded up in my tank of a vehicle, and headed out of town Saturday to hike some mountains. Views like this are a dime a dozen here, and never cease to take my breath away! 
The humor in this sign made me laugh. I love that someone out there appreciates good sarcasm as much as me. {Look closely} 
Lana is fearless. It was all I could to keep her off the ledges, and not heading the advice of the sign above. I truly had no desire to watch my child fall. Thankfully, Livvy is a little more pragmatic where heights are concerened, so she had her big sissy hold onto her.
As I said, fearless! All she wanted was to stand on the ledges and shout from the rooftops. So Logan held her tight and let her do just that!
Yep, these are my dorks. Two peas in a pod. 
I really want to go back and edit this photo. It's a perfect capture of him.
Is it silly to say the dirt here is gorgeous? There is so much mica in the ground, all the dirt shimmers like gold dust. I wish I had captured it better. But we did collect all kinds of pretty rocks and stones. 
He's such a dweeb, but I'll keep him! He does make me laugh!
We didn't make it down to the gorge. I think that's a trip that'll have to be reserved for a day when we don't have three small children in tow. I can't wait to go fishing down there.


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