Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Life lately in photos {and giveaway winner}

As I keep busy these days, I have also been keeping a close eye on the mailman. He brings the good stuff, like all the Hautelook purchases I make. Seriously one of my sites, and the one online store I shop from the most frequently.
 I started the participation in Ma Nouvelle Mode's 7x7 challenge, and as I attempted to get pics of outfit one, my girls insisted they needed to be included.
In case you wondered what was in that drawstring bag, these amazing earrings. Can I just say that finding a solid pair of 2" gold hoops at a reasonable price was not an easy task. But, of course, Hautelook came to my rescue after a few months of searching.
I now have this monstrocity in my living room. I don't why, I hate recliners. I think they're ugly, a major eyesore in any room. But I love this guy, and it made him quite happy. At least it's a color I can handle.
Sunday was also Logan's best friends birthday, and Logan asked I could make Scott a birthday cake. The request for strawberry cake with cream cheese frosting. I took a little creative freedom with this request and went to Pinterest. I fell in love with this fresh strawberry cake, and the recipe was delightful. Logan's friend was actually surprised I pureed the strawberries for it.
 Since it was a party of sorts, this girl dressed up like a princess!
We took to the grill since it was still relatively nice outside. Don't ask about today. There is nothing but snow outside and school has been cancelled two days in a row. 
This guy! He's kind of awesome, "what?" face and all!

The winner of the Hardin Studios Giveaway is Laura K. Thanks to all who entered. 


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