Friday, September 13, 2013

New logo

I am just tickled to death! NewlyMynted got a new logo. Margo of Eyes of Style has been working on a custom logo for me of late. I was fortunate enough to win her giveaway over at Julie Ann Art blog. She has been such a doll to work with. I more or less knew what I wanted, but I am not good enough at graphic design to really execute it in a professional manner. No logo is better than a bad logo. Margo took what I expressed and ran with it! 

I'm really hoping to open the new shop in the near future, and it needed a happy, sparkly logo to really represent it. I also needed one for the blog. NewlyMynted is all about discovering the new, best you that you can possibly be. Now I have that engraved with some glittery goodness!

Thank you, Margo, for really understanding my direction. You are such a sweetheart!

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