Tuesday, May 21, 2013

To Oklahoma

There was this moment yesterday as I sat down at the computer to publish the days blog post, where my eyes froze, fixated on the screen. All I could think was, God, please no!

You see, before I get to a blog post, I always go through the daily headlines. I believe it is important to keep up to date on what's going on with our country. For one, we have been at war, two, I vote, and three, the end times are upon us. I do not say that dramatically, of course, for I cannot wait for Christ to return!

But yesterday the words "devastating tornado sweeps through Shawnee, Oklahoma" crossed my screen. My dear, sweet cousin lives in Shawnee. She lives there with her husband and their five children. I think this was the one moment in time I was honest to God grateful for the existence of the Internet and Facebook. I immediately opened a new tab in my browser and allowed myself to exhale as I read Kaci's updates. Her and her family were fine, although the storm was in sight of them.

I borrowed this photo from her. This was from Sunday as it began to descend upon them. 

While I am thankful my own family is safe, I know there are many others whose families are not, and for that my heart aches. For those grieving, my prayers are with you. For those unaffected, please stand together and extend a hand to our fellow neighbors, in whatever way you can. 

A pastor I know once said, "If you donated $20 today, awesome. If you donated $2, even better. For you only had $2 to your name and you were willing to give it to your church."
If you need to know if you're loved one is safe, visit Safe and Well. You can also register yourself as safe if you're in the Oklahoma area.

Disaster relief donations can be made through the American Red Cross or Oklahoma Baptist Disaster Relief Website.

More aid information can be found here.

So many love and prayers on this day,
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