Saturday, May 4, 2013

Favorite quote

I wanted to join in today with everyone from Story of my Life, in the challenge to blog everyday in May. Today Jenni asked to write about your favorite quote. I knew I needed to write about this topic. My favorite quote actually came from my mother-in-law.

"How can you plan for tomorrow when you only have today to live?" --Peri Kay McDonnell

During the months of my trials I struggled with the need to control. Everything was crumbling around me and I tried my hardest to take control of everything. I had to think ahead and plan for everything that might possibly go wrong. I had three kids to consider and I needed all of my bases to be covered.

In December, everything that could possibly go wrong did. Months of hard work just ripped out from under me. I cried for a week! Then I finally decided to listen to what God had been trying to tell me. I confided all of this to my mother-in-law, and she replied, "How can you plan for tomorrow when you only have today to live?"

It was the best thing anyone had said to me.

I was so filled with worry. But that one phrase reminded me that I need not worry about tomorrow, but to only ask for my daily bread. It has been the most freeing way to live!

Love dearly,

P.S. My MIL has been a bible study teacher for many years, and has recently started a blog to share her studies about the Eternal Message in the Stars.

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