Thursday, May 9, 2013

Crap I found on a kid free day

What's a kid-free day like for me? Well, my honey recently discovered his hair stylist (yes, he has one!) recently opened up a thrift store, so we headed out of town to Fancy Pants Thrift Store to say hello and see what kind of crap we could find. And awesome crap there was!
Mint designer skinnies $4 // Silk scarf (nwt) $1
That scarf will actually get re-purposed into an Anthropologie inspired necklace. That's what we do with our crap here. So stay tuned!

 Cuisinart mill coffee grinder $5. I think so!
Sure, I could have gone to Sears and bought it brand spankin' new for $77.96 with that new plastic smell, but I just don't think it would have had that IT factor. You know, that zing that comes with knowing I scored it for 94% below retail. It also already has that rich coffee aroma. Mmmmmm, sigh!

Antique silver spoons $2
A nice addition to my collection. Well, if one antique spoon counts as a "collection." I have three now! I kind of want to get a lettering kit and learn to hand stamp. I think these would be pretty cute as "his & her" spoons.

Thanks for taking a look into my kid free day. Follow the blog to stay tuned on my upcoming upcycle projects. I'm off to experiment with some banana bread recipes. If my idea turns out, I'll be sharing the caramelicious recipe with you!

Love dearly,
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